To enter into partnership with an RTO is not really an easy task. We do understand these challenges and are deeply committed in giving our training partners the best benefits they could get as a co-provider.
As a partner with Smartlink, we will provide you with all the support you will need to succeed as a training partner. We will help you grow your business and deliver great training. Our Partnership program will give you the opportunity to deliver First Aid Training as a First Aid co-provider under the auspices of Smartlink Training as the Principal Provider RTO (Lead RTO).

- No Start – up fees
- No application fees
- No annual fees
- Pay for completed clients only
- Huge discounts on our learner guides
- Same day certificate (subject to receiving all completed documents from the third party)
- Innovative Student Management System
- Flexible delivery of Training (Face to Face Only or Online plus Face to Face Training)
- Highly Competitive Prices
- Websites built for a small fee if needed
- Dedicated partnering Manager
Call us today on 0413402324 or 0260234310 or email to find out more about becoming a First Aid training partner with Smartlink Training.